Helen (Marsh) Williams
Helen Williams was born in London, England on 6th July, 1921. From1939 to 1944
she served with the Civil Defence - Metropolitan Boroughof Islington, Department
of Public Health, 1st Aid Post and Air RaidPrecaution Work. She married Cecil
Williams .
Helen Williams

Born: July 6, 1921
Maiden Name: Marsh
From: London, England
Occupation: Warden at a
First Aid Post
Husband: Cecil Williams
59th Newfoundland Heavy Regt,
Date of Marriage: Oct. 25, 1941
Date of Departure: Dec. 28, 1945 / Liverpool
Ships Name: S.S. Scythia
Date/Port Arrived in Canada: Jan. 1946, Pier 21, Halifax
Traveled to NL. on:
Date Arrived in NL.: Jan. 10th
Port of Arrival: PAB
Settled in: St. John’s, Jan. 10th
Page Updated by niece Barbara Nov. 25, 2012.
Information from the Book, ”We Came From Over the Sea” page 93
Photo from Royal Canadian Legion Lest We Forget Volume 6. http://www.fenety.com/NLCL06na.pdf
Maiden Name: Marsh
From: London, England
Occupation: Warden at a
First Aid Post
Husband: Cecil Williams
59th Newfoundland Heavy Regt,
Date of Marriage: Oct. 25, 1941
Date of Departure: Dec. 28, 1945 / Liverpool
Ships Name: S.S. Scythia
Date/Port Arrived in Canada: Jan. 1946, Pier 21, Halifax
Traveled to NL. on:
Date Arrived in NL.: Jan. 10th
Port of Arrival: PAB
Settled in: St. John’s, Jan. 10th
Information from the Book, ”We Came From Over the Sea” page 93
Photo from Royal Canadian Legion Lest We Forget Volume 6. http://www.fenety.com/NLCL06na.pdf